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Our story

A word from the founder

I'm Frédérique, founder and CEO of Days of Confidence. Days of Confidence is a platform dedicated to accompanying women through menopause, a period of great uncertainty, doubt and personal change, both physical and emotional. 

Although this is an important turning point in a woman's life, there is a jarring lack of quality information on the topic. My goal in creating Days of Confidence is to demystify this pivotal stage in a woman's life by bringing menopause out of the shadows, removing the shame and stigma surrounding this topic, so that we can talk freely about a matter that will affect over a billion women globally by 2030.

I have no intention of suffering in silence or of being told that menopause is something natural so to just grin and bear it; not only are these answers unacceptable but they are profoundly insulting. At Days of Confidence, we will work alongside gynecologists, nutritionists and psychologists to understand how we can best live the next 40 years of our lives.

I, for one, firmly believe that menopause is not an expiration date for women, quite the contrary: it's an age of possibility, a new era where you can realize your full potential, take risks and finally free yourself from the gaze of others. 

Ready to join me on this exciting journey?

Frédérique Labadie - Founder and CEO of Days of Confidence
Portrait de Frederique Labadie, Fondatrice de Days of Confidence, votre allié de confiance pendant la ménopause

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