Which vitamin boosts immunity?
Vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 play an important role in health and contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system.
Vitamin D3 is essential for calcium absorption, bone health and metabolic regulation. It helps prevent infections by regulating the immune response.A vitamin D3 deficiency weakens the immune system because it increases the risk of infections. We have overdosed vitamin D3 in our Immunity Complex (333% of the recommended dose) so that it has a real effect on your immunity).
Vitamin K2 maintains a healthy balance between calcium and vitamin D. It plays an important role in the overall health of the body, crucial for maintaining strong immunity.
Why pay attention to immunity when the seasons change?
Boosting immunity during the changing seasons is important to avoid colds, flu and other seasonal illnesses. When the seasons change, we're more vulnerable to infections. Lack of sunshine and fluctuating temperatures can weaken our immune system. So it's important to boost your immunity during these periods, even if it doesn't guarantee you won't get sick.
How can we tell if our body is lacking vitamins?
Fatigue, skin problems, hair loss, digestive disorders, muscular pain, frequent infections, increased susceptibility to illness or slow recovery can all be signs of a deficiency.