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Our experts

Dr. Nara Nairi

Dr Nairi is a functional medical expert who manages a successful private practice in London and Paris. Her expertise and international clientele were critical for identifying the essential needs the brand would cater to.

She put her years of experience of treating women in the menopause transition to good use by creating Days of Confidence’s formulas, choosing each active ingredient according to the latest scientific studies, and ensuring optimal bioavailability and dosage of all finished products.

Days of confidence : nos experts vous accompagnent pendant la ménopause pour vous aider et vous guider

Dr. Caroline Labadie

Dr. Labadie has over 16 years' experience as a general practitioner. Having followed hundreds of women from pregnancy through to menopause, she observed that the women referred to her had difficulty identifying their symptoms as menopause-related and that, all too often, their suffering had been dismissed. Based on this observation, she decided to specialize in the care and support of women from perimenopause through to menopause, advocating a holistic and empathetic approach so that all women can experience their menopause in good health and as peacefully as possible.

Vivienne Sarobe

Vivienne Sarobe is a multicultural clinical psychologist. She has extensive experience working with women in the menopausal transition both in her own practice and at Casa de la mujer. She has published three books on psychology and has created over two hundred videos on psychology. She is a member of the Spanish Association of Psychosomatic Medicine, pursuing her career as a psychotherapist and psychology communicator.

David Piñeiro

David Piñeiro is a personal trainer with over 15 years of experience training women. Working with strength training, he teaches women the importance of reconnecting with their bodies, building strength from the inside out, to be more resilient and healthy in the menopausal transition.

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